Soybean allergy

Soybeans provide important human proteins. Found that there are children with soy allergies From mild symptoms to severe symptoms ด้

Protein in soybean seeds Is a good quality protein Can replace meat because it has acid Essential amino (essential amino acid) both type and amount that is more balanced than other types of beans

Signs and symptoms

Rash, urticaria, skin rash, swelling, mouth, difficulty breathing, transfusion, blood nose The symptoms may occur acute within minutes. After eating foods that contain soybean components Or may have delayed symptoms Patients who are allergic to soybeans Usually without allergies to other types of beans, such as green beans Red beans, black beans, so there's no need to avoid other types of bean foods


Have a good disease operation Patients often recover from soy allergies. In the age of about 7 years

Examples of foods containing soybeans

Fishy food: Tofu ( Tube noodles, Thai noodles ), hacker and jute,
Fresh spring rolls, gible sweets, crispy noodles, coconut milk, tofu, tofu, tofu, toxie, agricultural protein, soy sauce
– Edamame (soybeans in pods)


– Hydrolyzed soy protein

– Kinnoko flour

– Miso

– Okara (soy pulp)

– Soy albumin

– Soy flour, soya flour

– Soy milk
– Soy protein

– Soybean flour

– Soybean paste

– Tofu


– Kyodofu (freeze dried tofu)

– Natto

– Shoyu sauce
– Say concentrate

– Soy formula
– Soy nut butter

– Soybean curd

– Soy lecithin

-Teriyaki sauce

– Yakidofu Yuba (bean curd)