
Collection of Personal Information

1. For the convenience of all users that we serve and visit the website of Wellmedic Co., Ltd., we will collect your personal information, such as email address, name or telephone number, etc.
2. In case you sign up to apply for or use any service, Wellmedic will collect additional personal information, including gender, age, your preferences or favorites, interest and billing addresses.
3. In order to check how popular our service is, for future quality improvement, Wellmedic needs to collect some of your information, including IP address, type of browser, Domain Name, record of websites that the user previously accessed (Referring Website Addresses).

Use of personal information

1. Wellmedic will use your personal information, such as name and address, only when it is necessary, for example, to provide services, for public relations or giving news and information and to seek your opinions to the business or activities of Wellmedic.
2. Wellmedic assures that we will not use your personal data for sale or distribute them to the third parties unless authorized by you only.
3. In the event that Wellmedic hires other agencies to process your personal information, such as postal parcel delivery, statistical analysis of Wellmedic’s activities, we will require the agency that is hired to keep the confidentiality and security of your personal information and to prohibit the use of such personal information in other activities or business that are not related to Wellmedic.

Right to control your personal data

To maintain your privacy, you have the right to choose how your personal data will be used or shared or may choose not to receive information or any marketing communications from Wellmedic by simply filling in such intention to notify Wellmedic on the web page. https://welmedic.org/contact